HIDS 2024 - Campaign

Graphic Design, Marketing Creativities, Vector Illustration

Explore a diverse array of marketing materials crafted specifically for HIDS 2024 virtual event. From banners to various promotional assets, these designs are tailored to amplify their brand message and visibility. Discover how our collaborative efforts ensure that their vision is brought to life effectively and seamlessly across all marketing channels.


ThermoFisher, HIDS 2024 Campaign.





Over 50 thumbnails were meticulously designed as part of the campaign's visual assets. These thumbnails served as captivating previews across digital platforms, enticing audiences to engage with the content. Each creativity was crafted to effectively communicate the essence of the corresponding piece of content, enhancing its discoverability and appeal. The diverse range of thumbnails contributed to a cohesive and visually compelling digital presence.


HTML banners

A series of HTML banners were conceptualized and developed as dynamic elements within the campaign's digital advertising strategy. These banners were strategically deployed across relevant online platforms, leveraging interactive features and eye-catching designs to capture audience attention and drive engagement.



12 custom-designed icons that were strategically integrated into various digital assets, such as social media posts and online banners, amplifying the campaign's messaging and fostering audience engagement. Their cohesive presence across digital channels reinforced the campaign's brand identity and contributed to its overall impact.

Home ADS

Two standout home ads were developed, each featuring meticulously crafted illustrations to elevate visual appeal and storytelling. These illustrations, thoughtfully integrated into the ad design, served as captivating focal points, drawing viewers' attention and sparking curiosity.


HIDS 2024 event agenda

This 30-page PDF blends functionality with aesthetics, ensuring a smooth experience for attendees. From layout to content, it embodies a commitment to impactful visual solutions.


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